Strotz today
Today, Schirmfabrik Strotz AG is the only umbrella factory in Switzerland that produces its own umbrellas. For more than 170 years we have dedicated ourselves to the manufacture and sale of rain, sun and advertising umbrellas. The constant further development of technology and design, combined with a fast delivery service, make us the best partner for the umbrella trade.
Strotz is co-owner of the world-famous Knirps brand, the umbrella with the red dot. Knirps has stood for the highest quality, technical innovation and fashionable design for more than 90 years and is sold in more than 40 countries.
Family tradition
since 1851

The new modern umbrella logo represents our corporate values and activities.

Andrea Strotz, daughter of Edgar Strotz, has been working for the family business as Co-CEO since October 2014. She is responsible for sales, marketing, human resources and production in Asia.

Roman Strotz, the first member of the 5th generation, has been working for Schirmfabrik Strotz since 2008. He took over the business from his father Charles and is responsible for production, advertising umbrellas, finance and logistics.

From 1970, the fourth generation Strotz took over the management of the company. Charles Strotz was responsible for production and personnel. His younger brother Edgar Strotz has been in charge of purchasing, sales, marketing and design since 1976.

Karl Strotz-Büchli managed the umbrella factory from 1943 to 1970 and built the current factory building in Herrenacker Uznach in 1954. The name Strotz became synonymous with elegant and fashionably refined umbrellas and opened up many umbrella ideas. Umbrellas became a mass-produced item.

in 1905, his son, Karl Strotz-Spiess, took over the umbrella factory and managed the company for 38 years. The war years and the dry year of 1922 caused bitter setbacks, but with a new umbrella store in the small town of Uznach and the enlarged workshop, he steadily increased the range and turnover. The umbrella became a familiar companion.

After completing his apprenticeship as an umbrella maker, Arnold Strotz opened his own workshop in Uznach in 1851. He personally visited sales outlets in many regions of Switzerland and offered his handmade umbrellas for sale. The roof was raised for the Swiss umbrella factory.
Umbrella history
The first parasols provided shade as early as 500 BC. The parasols of the ladies' world and the canopies for the clergy were made of fine fabrics, richly decorated with embroidery and fringes. Wood carvers turned the poles and handles into true works of art.
The umbrella developed from a protective roof against the sun and tan. It was not until the middle of the 17th century that clever people came up with the idea of protecting women and later men from raindrops and wetness. The umbrella increasingly replaced the tippet and hat.
Initially intended as a protective roof, the umbrella collections increasingly reflected the beauty ideal of each era. The umbrella became a modern, practical and attractive accessory. Pocket umbrellas and automatic mini umbrellas were invented, which could be stored anywhere and were quickly at hand.
The umbrella has long since replaced the hand-held parasol. The demand for parasols, whether round or square, is growing all the time. The garden and rain umbrella is becoming the ideal advertising medium. The low price makes it a popular customer gift and a promotional item that can be printed in a variety of colors.